Baby Names

Female Baby Names Starting with "P"

  • Prajusha (Meaning of Prajusha is: Morning)
  • Prakalp (Meaning of Prakalp is: Project)
  • Prakhya (Meaning of Prakhya is: Appearance)
  • Prakriti (Meaning of Prakriti is: Nature; Beautiful)
  • Prakruti (Meaning of Prakruti is: Nature)
  • Pramila (Meaning of Pramila is: One of Arjuna's wife)
  • Pranavi (Meaning of Pranavi is: Goddess Parvath)
  • Pranaya (Meaning of Pranaya is: Leader)
  • Praneeta (Meaning of Praneeta is: Led forward)
  • Pranidhi (Meaning of Pranidhi is: Spy)
  • Pranita (Meaning of Pranita is: Promoted)
  • Pranjal (Meaning of Pranjal is: Honest and Dignified)
  • Pranvuta (Meaning of Pranvuta is: Praised)
  • Prapti (Meaning of Prapti is: Advantage)
  • Prashansa (Meaning of Prashansa is: Praise)
  • Prashanthi (Meaning of Prashanthi is: Highest peace)
  • Prasheila (Meaning of Prasheila is: Ancient time)
  • Prathana (Meaning of Prathana is: Prayer)
  • Pratibha (Meaning of Pratibha is: Splendour Brightness Intelligence)
  • Pratika (Meaning of Pratika is: Symbolic)
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Male Baby Names by Letter

Female Baby Names by Letter

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