Baby Names

Female Baby Names Starting with "A"

  • Ashwabha (Meaning of Ashwabha is: Lightening)
  • Ashwina (Meaning of Ashwina is: Child of the Star)
  • Atheeva (Meaning of Atheeva is: Ultimate*)
  • Athena (Meaning of Athena is: Greek goddess of wisdom)
  • Athilesa (Meaning of Athilesa is: Load of intelligence)
  • Atina (Meaning of Atina is: Greek Goddess*)
  • Atishaya (Meaning of Atishaya is: Superiority)
  • Atiya (Meaning of Atiya is: Gift)
  • Atreyi (Meaning of Atreyi is: A river)
  • Attiya (Meaning of Attiya is: Gift)
  • Avaani (Meaning of Avaani is: On course; The bed of a river; The Earth)
  • Avaapya (Meaning of Avaapya is: Achieving*)
  • Avinashi (Meaning of Avinashi is: Indestructable)
  • Avni (Meaning of Avni is: The Earth)
  • Avnita (Meaning of Avnita is: The Earth)
  • Ayati (Meaning of Ayati is: Royal)
  • Ayeh (Meaning of Ayeh is: Sign; distinct)
  • Ayesha (Meaning of Ayesha is: Doll)
  • Ayita (Meaning of Ayita is: Beloved*)
  • Ayushi (Meaning of Ayushi is: Long Life)
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Male Baby Names by Letter

Female Baby Names by Letter

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