Baby Names

Female Baby Names Starting with "U"

  • Unni (Meaning of Unni is: Lead)
  • Upadhriti (Meaning of Upadhriti is: A ray)
  • Upala (Meaning of Upala is: Sandy shore)
  • Upasana (Meaning of Upasana is: Worship)
  • Upasna (Meaning of Upasna is: Worship)
  • Upkar (Meaning of Upkar is: Gift)
  • Upma (Meaning of Upma is: The best)
  • Ura (Meaning of Ura is: Earth)
  • Urishilla (Meaning of Urishilla is: Excellent)
  • Urishita (Meaning of Urishita is: Firm)
  • Urja (Meaning of Urja is: Goddess Parvati)
  • Urjita (Meaning of Urjita is: Excited)
  • Urmi (Meaning of Urmi is: Wave; Warmth)
  • Urmika (Meaning of Urmika is: Small wave)
  • Urmila (Meaning of Urmila is: Enchantress)
  • Ursula (Meaning of Ursula is: Little bear)
  • Urvashi (Meaning of Urvashi is: The Ganges)
  • Urvi (Meaning of Urvi is: Earth)
  • Usha (Meaning of Usha is: Dawn)
  • Usharvi (Meaning of Usharvi is: Raga in the morning)
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Male Baby Names by Letter

Female Baby Names by Letter

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