Navratri Puja
Navratri puja is performed to get the divine blessings of Ma Durga. Navratri puja helps in attaining health, wealth, and prosperity.

Benefits of Navratri Puja:
- One can receive wealth, prosperity in business, and success in life after doing the puja.
- One receives the divine blessings of Maa Durga after performing the Navratri puja.
- People can also get rid of the sins performed during the previous births or the present life after performing this puja.
- Navratri puja also helps to protect ourselves from bad spirits and to remove obstacles in life.
- This puja fulfills the wishes and desires of devotees performing it and relieves them from diseases.
We provide 100% proof of the puja done
Starting from USD 66
Read Customer Reviews
I suffered a huge loss in my business, I was devastated. I did many uapays to overcome my losses but it was of no use. I met many astrologers and did as was told. But my business was not picking up. I was really broken and disappointed. Someone suggested me to meet astrologer at Askganesha. They suggested Navratri puja and Navratri vrat. I booked Navratri puja and got Prasaad through courier. I am happy to inform that now my business is taking up speed and I bless people at Askganesha.
My father was not well. He suffered Paralyses. No medicine was working and doctor refused of any chances of his curing. I met many Pandits and I did many Pujas. Father had a lot of trouble but we were helpless. My Massi told me to talk to Askganesha and they told me to do Navratri Puja which will clean the past sins and will help. I booked Navratre puja. Now my Papa can stand and walk, thanks Askganesha.
About Navratri Puja
Navaratri is the most observed and celebrated festival of the Hindus worldwide observed during the Hindu calendar months of Chaitra and Ashvin, which typically falls during the months of March-April and September –October respectively. The deity worshipped during Navratri is Goddess Durga in her nine different manifestations called Nav Durga. People perform Navadurga Puja to seek blessings of all the forms of Maa Durga. This festival spans in eight days and nine nights that is why it is called Navratri i.e. Navmeans nine and Ratrimeans nights. In northern India, these Navratri also commemorate the birth of Lord Rama during Vasant Navratri and the victory of Lord Rama over the Demon Ravana at SriLanka during Shardiya Navratri.
This period of nine nights and eight days have immense spiritual and religious importance in the life of the Hindus. Most of the Hindus fast during this period living without eating food grains and most of the vegetables. They only live on fruits and water chestnut flour and buckwheat flour only. They worship the nine forms of Goddess Durga. Durga puja is performed by the devotees. Devotees even use Durga Yantra during this puja enhancing the effects of puja and blessings manifold.
People facing any financial issues or any family problems should perform this puja to get rid of all these issues. This puja is also very beneficial for getting peace of mind. One should perform Navratri Puja at least once in a year to seek the blessings of the Supreme power.

Online Puja Highlights
- Free Mahurat Calculation by Astrologer
- Puja is done in Vedic form with no side effects on anyone.
- Personalized Puja and Homam done only for you.
- 100% Guarantee
- Real proof of the puja done is also sent to you.
- View Pictures of Navratri Puja
- Puja done by Well Versed Experienced Purohits
- Why People Trust us!
We provide 100% proof of the puja done
Starting from USD 66
View Pictures of Navratri Puja

What is Navratri?
Navratri is a Hindu festival celebrated twice a year, as a nine-day and nine-night-long ritual dedicated to Adi Shakti or Maa Durga. As the name suggests Nav means nine and Ratri means nights. This is a very important festival celebrated during the onsets of summers and winters respectively. People devote these days to the almighty goddess and her puja.
What is Navratri Puja?
Navratri Puja is a Vedic ritual carried over a period of nine nights. The deity worshipped during Navratri is Goddess Durga in her nine different manifestations called Nav Durga. People perform Nava durga Puja to seek blessings of all the forms of Maa Durga during these days. This puja is very beneficial and one should perform Navratri Puja at least once a year to seek the blessings of the Supreme power.
How is Navratri Puja done?
Navratri puja is a very sacred ritual performed during Chaitra and Shardiya Navratri. This puja is performed with complete austerity, celibacy, and purity of body and soul. Nine different manifestations of Goddess Durga are worshipped each day. People fast with fruits and buckwheat flour. Fruits and chestnut flour are also used and offered in puja. People also use Durga Yantra to perform this puja.
What are the benefits of performing Navratri Puja?
Navratri puja helps in attaining health, wealth, prosperity and success in life after doing the puja. With the divine blessings of Maa Durga people can also get rid of the sins performed during their previous births or in the present life. Navratri puja also helps to protect ourselves from bad spirits and to remove obstacles in life.This puja fulfils the wishes and desires of devotees performing it and relieves them from diseases.
What mantras are chanted during the Navratri Puja?
Mantras related to all the nine manifestations of Goddess Durga are chanted during this puja. One of the most powerful mantras of Goddess Durga is; "Sarva Mangala MangalyeSiveSarvarthaSadhike SaranyeTrayambike Gauri NarayaniNamostute" One can recite Devi Stuti consisting of some mantras related to different forms of the Goddess. Ya devi sarvabhuteshu, shanti rupenasangsthita Ya devi sarvabhuteshu, shakti rupenasangsthita Ya devi sarvabhuteshu, matrirupenasangsthita Yaa devi sarvabhuteshu, buddhi rupenasangsthita Namastasyai, namastasyai, namastasyai, namonamaha .
Read Customer Reviews
I was having problems with my husband and we had filed a case for divorce. My in-laws blamed that I had sold some jewellery without permission of my husband and were creating obstacles in getting Divorce. I was very disturbed. It was September 2017, when I consulted Askganesha. They suggested me to fast during Navratris and perform the Navratri Puja, which they did in October. In Feburary 2018, I got my divorce paper. I am very thankful to Askganesha
I ordered Maa Navratri puja for resolving my family tensions. Astrologer helped me a lot and guide me to go for Maa Durga blessings. After performing these prayers i see balance of energies in my home and now everything is perfect. Thanks to you.
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Experience: Askganesha has a very experienced team which have been serving people for more than 30 years. Our team members are well qualified and are highly knowledgeable. We have been listed on BBC too. We really care about our customers. That's why we always do our best to make your experience with us as pleasant as can be. We put our complete efforts to provide you the best astrology services.
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Once you have taken services from us you will look no where else.
God Bless You.
100% Guarantee
We provide 100% proof of the puja done. We have clients getting pujas done from the last many years. We assure you pujas are done in the best possible vedic process.