Goddess Parvati Puja
This puja blesses with a good husband, happy children and a long and happy marital life. Those aspiring for marriage get a good match if this puja is performed.

Benefits of Goddess Parvati Puja:
- This puja blesses with a good husband, happy children, and a long and happy marital life.
- This puja is instrumental in resolving conflicts between couples and brings love and happiness back in their life.
- This puja is very beneficial in preventing miscarriage and ensuring safe progeny.
- This puja is beneficial for fertility, marital felicity, and devotion to the spouse, asceticism, and power.
- Unmarried girls are blessed by Goddess Parvati with a suitable groom and a good future.
We provide 100% proof of the puja done
Starting from USD 66
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I am a worshipper of Goddess Parvati also. I read about the puja on Askganesha.com and also ordered it online as well. Their fee is very low and service is good. They appointed a purohit to perform the puja for me and even shared the photos with me.
I performed the Goddess Parvati Puja before my wedding as it is considered auspicious in our family. It is rightly said that Maa Parvati blesses with good match and happy married life to those who worship her. I am leading a blissful a married life now.
About Goddess Parvati Puja
Maa Parvati is the consort of Lord Shiva. She is the mother of two Lord Kartikeya and Lord Ganesha. As per Hinduism, all the other Goddesses are reincarnations of Goddess Parvati hence she is also referred to as the Divine Mother. It is known that Goddess Parvati was the first Maa Sati who submitted herself to marry Lord Shiva and upon her reincarnation as Maa Parvati she married Lord Shiva. She is one of the three supreme Goddesses of the Hindu pantheon and is worshipped as the universal mother. She is believed to possess many characteristics and features and is also the divinity of fertility, devotion, and love.
Parvati is regarded as the tender aspect of the divine, feminine power and is generally depicted as fair and pleasant-looking. The quality of beauty is associated closely with this Goddess, and hence there is a strong belief that worshipping her can bless people with good-looks and attraction. Parvati Puja is one such puja, which can please the divine mother and get blessings in the form of beauty, charm, and Charisma. She is also said to denote the Gyana Shakti, the energy of wisdom, and hence, performing this puja can bestow people with physical attractiveness and mental power.
Maa Parvati and Lord Shiva are considered divine couple with intense bonding. This puja is also performed to bring that bonding between the couples and the blissful married life. Couples having any kind of discord, people finding suitable life partners or people having delay in wedding are benefitted by this puja.

Online Puja Highlights
- Free Mahurat Calculation by Astrologer
- Puja is done in Vedic form with no side effects on anyone.
- Personalized Puja and Homam done only for you.
- 100% Guarantee
- Real proof of the puja done is also sent to you.
- View Pictures of Goddess Parvati Puja
- Puja done by Well Versed Experienced Purohits
- Why People Trust us!
We provide 100% proof of the puja done
Starting from USD 66
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What is Maa Parvati Puja?
Maa Parvati Puja is the ritual suggested by Vedas for unmarried girls to please Goddess Parvati for getting blessed with a suitable life partner and a blissful married life. The married women can also perform this puja for the health, prosperity and longevity of their husband as well as for the marital bliss who lack it in their married life.
Why worshipping Goddess Parvati is considered to be a boon for a happy family?
Goddess Parvati and Lord Shiva, the divine couple, represent a happily married and loving couple with children like Shri Ganesha and Shri Karthikeya. The four of them together constitute a happy and healthy family even indulging in other duties just like a normal human family. Being divine and a source of all spiritual and materialistic and emotional powers Goddess Parvati is worshipped for being blessed with a happy family.
When should we perform Maa Parvati Puja?
Maa Parvati Puja can be performed on an auspicious Moon or Venus as these timings are considered the best for appeasing Goddess Parvati. Maa Parvati Pooja can also be performed on the 4th Moon or Chaturthi, 13th Moon or the Tryodashi, 14th Moons or the Chatudashi and Full Moon Days according to Lunar Calendar. We can perform this puja on auspicious Fridays also. Consult Askganesha astrologers for finding the most auspicious muhurat for performing this puja.
What are the benefits of performing Maa Parvati Puja?
This puja blesses with a good husband, happy children, and a long and happy marital life and is instrumental in resolving conflicts between couples and bringing love and happiness back into their life. This puja is very beneficial in preventing miscarriage and ensuring safe progeny. Unmarried girls are blessed with a suitable groom and a good future. Contact Askganesha for performing this puja online and with all important rituals for getting maximum benefits.
What is Swayamvara Parvati Mantra and how does it help?
The Swayamvara Parvati Mantra is Om Hreem Yoginim Yogini Yogeswari Yoga Bhayankari Sakala Sthavara Jangamasya Mukha Hridayam Mama Vasamakarsha Akarshaya || This mantra makes marriage blissful. It is helpful if marriage is delayed for any reason. It also removes all the troubles in your married life.
Read Customer Reviews
There is nothing wrong in ordering online Puja. When you can't trust the pundits as you don't know what mantras they are chanting then why not give a website this chance to prove themselves. I ordered the puja through Askganesha and they did a great job for me. At first the fee looked like a sum of whopping 3500 rs but it is much less compared to what the pundits ask for. Overall it was a good experience.
I do this puja every year and Maa Parvati blesses my married life with happiness and longetivity.
Indeed this puja is effected in maintaining a good marital life. I have experienced that same atleast. I ordered the puja to be done by askganesha.com. They did it for me and in a month I could see the changes in my life. My husband became more inclined towards me.
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God Bless You.
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We provide 100% proof of the puja done. We have clients getting pujas done from the last many years. We assure you pujas are done in the best possible vedic process.