Dhanvantari Puja
Lord Dhanvantari emerged out of the milk ocean with immortal nectar, while churning the ocean by the Gods and the Demons. Considered as the father of Ayurveda, he is the ultimate healer and the most benevolent God. His puja alleviates all sufferings of human beings.

Benefits of Dhanvantari Puja:
- This puja helps in getting rid of all types of physical ailments and staying healthy.
- This puja increases the vitality and energy level in humans.
- It removes all kinds of mental fears and afflictions giving rise to a clear thought process.
- Any kind of chronic and incurable disease is cured with this puja.
- This puja bestows with divine energy which leads to the ultimate goal of salvation.
We provide 100% proof of the puja done
Starting from USD 88
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I recommend vehemently Askganesha to every one as they are genuine and authentic in their job. Pujas are performed with all rituals and results are great. I ordered Dhanvantari Puja and I am really satisfied and happy with results.
My mother was suffering from chronic asthma but no medicine could help. She had bad attacks of asthma during seasonal changes and winters. On the recommendation of Askganesha we performed Dhanvantari puja and slowly her breathing problems perished. Thanks a lot
About Dhanvantari Puja
Lord Dhanvantari is believed to be the father of health and medicinal science of Ayurveda. He has been termed as the ultimate healer. Lord Dhanvantari emerged from the milk ocean with the pot of nectar of immortality when the milk ocean was being churned to seek the nectar of immortality by the Gods and the Demons. Dhanvantari is considered to be the incarnation of Lord Vishnu. He emerged from the milk ocean on the day of Dhanvantari Trayodashi which is celebrated as the National Ayurveda Day in India by the government.
Lord Dhanvantari is depicted with four hands, one hand carrying the pot of elixir, others having Shankh, Chakra and Jalauka (Leech). Leech is depicted in one of his hands as it is used in Ayurveda for blood purification. Some scriptures describe him having Shankh Chakra pot of elixir and book of Ayurveda. He is the physician of the Gods and is known to cure the incurable diseases too. He was an expert surgeon too.
Adi Lakshmi is seen as the four-armed Goddess, carrying a lotus in one hand and, a white flag in the other hand. With her third hand, she makes Varda Mudra and with the fourth, she is shown making the Abhaya Mudra.
The word Adi means the source, and Adi Lakshmi means the Lakshmi or the Goddess who connects us with our source i.e. our soul or atman as we call it in Hinduism. The worshippers of Adi Lakshmi get connected to their inner self and are free from all kind of materialistic obstructions and spend their life in eternal bliss.
He introduced and taught the science of Ayurveda to the world as the King of Banaras. The famous ancient surgeon of Indian history, Sushruta approached the King of Kashi, Devodasa, whom they considered the incarnation of Dhanvantari, to teach them the science of Ayurveda. He introduced the Ayurveda of the Lord Brahma by recasting it in eight parts for the ease of the learners, as the original Ayurveda of Lord Brahma was too difficult to be learnt by any humankind for his restricted intelligence
Dhanvantari puja cure people having low energy levels, continuous health problems, lacking interests in joys of life, and people with health issues but which are not been diagnosed by the doctors. According to texts of Puranas and other scriptures, Dhanvantari puja is the ultimate way to get undiagnosed and uncurable diseases treated and cured.

Online Puja Highlights
- Free Mahurat Calculation by Astrologer
- Puja is done in Vedic form with no side effects on anyone.
- Personalized Puja and Homam done only for you.
- 100% Guarantee
- Real proof of the puja done is also sent to you.
- View Pictures of Dhanvantari Puja
- Puja done by Well Versed Experienced Purohits
- Why People Trust us!
We provide 100% proof of the puja done
Starting from USD 88
View Pictures of Dhanvantari Puja

Read Customer Reviews
Thanks a ton to Askganesha for performing this Puja on my behalf. I can feel great relief from my chronic health issues
Askganesha is a wonderful site for performing online puja. I ordered Dhanvantari Puja on behalf of my father who was suffering from problem of prostrate cancer, which appeared again and again even after surgery. The results of the Puja were really great. Its been a long time and he is feeling great. My sincere thanks
I am an Ayurvedic Vaid and treat people with serious and chronic diseases. I myself perform Dhanvantari Puja every year for Lord Dhanvantri's blessings. I recommend my patients to perform this Puja and especially from Askganesha as they perform it with utmost care and with complete rituals. This Puja has benefitted many of my patients and I am also blessed with curing powers by the celestial healer
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Once you have taken services from us you will look no where else.
God Bless You.
100% Guarantee
We provide 100% proof of the puja done. We have clients getting pujas done from the last many years. We assure you pujas are done in the best possible vedic process.