Dashavatara Homam
Dashavatara Homam is the worship of all the ten incarnations of Lord Vishnu which blesses the devotees with positivity, health, wealth, security, prosperity, wisdom, courage, strength, growth, abundance and gains. It also eliminates evil, negative and demonic forces from life.

Benefits of Dashavatara Homam:
There are several benefits of Dashavatara Homam:
- This Homam blesses with knowledge, harmony, peace, love and affection.
- It brings desired results, fulfils wishes, brings endless positive energy and removes negativity and negative forces.
- It removes sins, disharmony, chaos, bad Karmas, difficulties created by unfavourably posited planets etc.
- It helps in eliminating enemies and blesses with victory in all aspects of life.
- This puja is instrumental in removing hindrances, obstacles and difficulties from the path of success.
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Starting from USD 105
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I booked Dashavatara Puja with Askganesha which was performed with all the Vidhi and Vidhana. I am very impressed with the way they work. Thanks Askganesha.
Askganesha is very genuine, reliable and reasonable online puja site. I am very thankful to them for doing Dashavatara Homam for me. I am very impressed and satisfied with the results.
About Dashavatara Homam
Dashavatara Homam is dedicated to the ten incarnations of Lord Vishnu whose worshipping can bring positivity. Matsya Avatar,Kurma Avatar, Varha Avatar, Narsimha Avatar, Vaman Avatar, Parshuram Avatar, Ram Avatar, Balram Avatar, Krishan Avatar, and KalkiAvata.
Matsya was the first avatar of Lord Vishnu which saved earth from drowning. His puja or homa removes negativity, attracts good fortune, prosperity and good discerning ability.
Kurma Avatar of Lord Vishnu helped in churning the cosmic ocean by lending his back for the Mandar mountain. The puja of this avatar or homa can help longevity, self-confidence, emotional and financial security.
Varah Avatar saved the world from the terrors of the demon called Hiranyakash. The puja or Homa can help to regain control of the business, professional security, gain land, gold and fame. It removes hurdles from the life of the devotee.
Narsimha Avatar eliminated demon Hiranyakashipu to save his devotee Prahalad. Worshipping Narsimha Avatar can remove the false and negative ego. It also removes misfortune, overcomes challenges and protects from evil eye and jealousy. One can also perform Narsimha Puja for overcoming misfortune.
Vaman Avatar or the Dwarf subdued the arrogance or the pride of the king Mahabali. Worshipping Lord Vaman helps in living life happily and trouble-free. It blesses Asth Aishwarya or eight kinds of wealth, recognition and fame.
Parshuram Avatar is known to have removed the tyranny of the Kashtriya Kings. Worshipping Lord Parshuram blesses one with mental strength, courage., progress and prosperity while it also blesses with freedom from fears.
Ram is known as Maryada Purushottama, the best King India had ever had. Worshipping Lord Ram brings virtues, happiness, love, devotion and courage. Supported with Lord Ram Puja this Homam can bring miraculous results.
Balram Avtar is known to have been taken by the Shesha Naga for supporting Krishna in eliminating the tyranny of Kansa, the demon king. Homam dedicated to Balram brings strength, confidence, courage, respect and prosperity.
Krishna, the ninth Avatar of Lord Vishnu is known as the poorna or the complete Avatar of Vishnu. It blesses the devotee with fulfilling Love, devotion, courage, wisdom, abundance, luxury and good progeny. It can be supported with Lord Krishna Puja.
The Kalki Avatar of Lord Vishnu has yet to come at the end of kali yuga to remove all sinful acts from the earth. This Homam blesses with swift justice, victory over enemies, flourished business, career and prosperity.
If one finds it difficult to do this homa, one can perform Vishnu Puja too to get rid of one’s troubles.

Online Puja Highlights
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- Puja is done in Vedic form with no side effects on anyone.
- Personalized Puja and Homam done only for you.
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- View Pictures of Dashavatara Homam
- Puja done by Well Versed Experienced Purohits
- Why People Trust us!
We provide 100% proof of the puja done
Starting from USD 105
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What is Dashavatara?
Das means ten and avatar mean incarnation, so, Dashavatara means the ten avatars of Lord Vishnu, which he took at different periods. These avatar are Matsya Avatar, Kurma Avatar, Varha Avatar, Narsimha Avatar, Vaman Avatar, Parshuram Avatar, Ram Avatar, Balram Avatar, Krishan Avatar, and KalkiAvatar. The Kalki Avatar of Lord Vishnu has yet to appear on the earth. All the avatars together are called the Dashavatara.
What is Dashavatara Homam?
Dashavatara Homam is a Vedic ritual done to appease all the ten avatars of Lord Vishnu. This homam aims at getting the collective blessings of all the ten manifestations of Lord Vishnu. Homam, Yagya, mantra chanting, offerings and many other rituals are performed as a part of this Homam. This Homam is performed to eliminate evil, negative and demonic forces from life.Contact Askganesha for more details about this Homam.
What are the benefits of performing Dashavatara Homam?
This Homam blesses with knowledge, harmony, peace, love and affection.It brings desired results, fulfils wishes, brings endless positive energy and removes negativity and negative forces.It removes sins, disharmony, chaos, bad Karma, difficulties created by unfavorably posited planets etc.It helps in eliminating enemies and blesses with victory in all aspects of life.This puja is instrumental in removing hindrances, obstacles and difficulties from the path to success. Contact Askganesha to perform this puja online on your behalf with all the required rituals for the best results.
Which Mantras are chanted during Dashavatara Homam?
There are different mantras for different manifestations. DashavatarMantra Sri Matysa: "Om Matsya Rupay Namah" Sri Kurma: "Om KoormRupay Namah" Sri Varah Mantra: "Om Namo BhagwateVarahRupayBhurBhuvahSwahSyatpateBhupatitwamDehyateDadapaySwaha" Sri Narasimha: "Om Namo BhagwateNarasinhaya" Sri Vamana: "Om Vaman Rupay Namah" Sri Parashuram: "Om Parashuramaay Namah" Sri Buddha: "Om Gautambuddhaay Namah" Sri Rama: "Om Rang Ramay Namah" Sri Krishna: "Om KleengKrishnaay Namah" Sri Kalkin: "Om Kalkine Jay JayShaalgramnivasineDivysinghaySwayambhuvePurushay Namah Om"
When should we perform Dashavatara Homam?
We can perform Dashavatara Homam on any auspicious day. The time and the day are calculated according to the native's Kundali. Auspicious time and day are calculated and this ritual is performed accordingly. Contact Askganesha astrologers for calculating an auspicious Muhurat for performing this Dashavatara Homam.
Read Customer Reviews
My life had gone disarrayed badly and nothing was in right place. My business had failed, my family was distraught. I even thought of committing suicide. My father consulted Askganesha and booked Dashavatara Homa. The effect was so miraculous, no one could believe. I am very thankful to Askganesha and my father for saving my life.
I am very grateful to Askganesha for suggesting and performing Dashavatra Homa for me. I could defeat my partner and regain my control over my business. I am really very thankful to Askganesha.
Askganesha ke jyotishi ji k khne pe mene apne bete ke liye dashavat puja karwai. Iska result bahut hi achharahaq. Dhanywad AskGanesha
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Details of Maha yagya
Mahayagya is a kind of Pooja that requires a havan kund and continous fire lighting which continues for long duration of days usually ranging from 7 to 21 days that requires the presence of more than one priest. Those taking part in the Mahayagya seeks the blessings of their gods/goddesses. Mahayagya can be performed to get relieved from any kind of problem or to ensure overall prosperity.
Mahayagya Vidhi Vihaan
This is the first step of the Vidhi. In this step, the priests performing the yagna welcomes Lord Ganpati and other Gods and Goddesses through mantra chanting. This is an important part of the yagya as it builds the strength of the yagna and pooja. Avahaan is an attempt to invite the Lords to honour the yagna.
Sthapana is the second step wherein the priests performing the yagna/Yagya, installs the statue or photograph of the deities for whom the Yagya is being perfomed. This step comes once the priests successfully invites the Lords to the Pooja through Mantra Chanting. This step is crucial as the statues installation builds the foundation for the various holy offerings to be performed.
Flower offering
This is an aesthetic step which brings us closer to the yagya. In this procedure, the priests and the attendees offer flowers to the dieties’ statues or photographs. Offering flowers in the feet of the Gods/Goddesses is a kind of showing affection and respect towards them. It is an act of pleasing the deities.
Archana vandana
Archana vandana begins after the priests and attendees have offered flowers to the deities. In this step, the priests and attendees offer prayers to the installed deities. They praise the Lord and thank them for all that the almighty have blessed them with and also seeks forgiveness for their sins. They also put forward their wishes and ask the Lords to fulfil them.
Aarti is the next step in the procedure. Aarti takes place in the front of the deities. It can be performed solely by the priests, also the attendees are welcome to take part in it. In this ceremony, the priest has a tray with lighted oil diyas, burning essence, bell, a water vessel, flowers and some offering of food. This step consists of all four elements of which the world is made that is Fire, earth, water and air. The priests and the attendees sing praises of the Lords while doing rounds of the burning diyas and ringing the bell simultaneously.
Prasad offering
In this step, the priests offers the deities, some kind of sweets and fruits in the form of Prasad which is distributed among the members participating in the yagya at the end of Pooja/Yagya. Usually Prasad can be in form of ‘chappan bhog’ meaning 56 different kinds of sweet and salty eatables that the deities are known to relish.
Beejmantra Yantra Prathista
In this step, a Yantra is placed near the havan kund and the deities. The priests chant the holy mantras known as Beejmantra to please the Lords. The Beejmantra is chanted with the purpose of energising tha yantra. The yantra, then, can be used to remove any kind of problem for which the Yagya is being performed or to fulfil the wishes at hand.
Yagya Aahuti Mantra Jaap
This is the last and the most crucial step in the Yagya Vidhi Vidhan as it goes on for days. In this step, the priests continuously chant mantras and offer Aahuti in the havan kund with the purpose of praising and pleasing the Lords. Yagya Aahuti Mantra Jaap goes on for long duration.