Lord Bhairav Puja
Bhairav Puja is done to win over enemies, evil effects of malefic planets and from black magic. Fearlessness and courage is attained along with purification of mind, body and soul.

Benefits of Bhairav Puja:
- The worship of Lord Bhairav to reduce the evils caused by the malefic position of Rahu in the horoscope.
- The puja provides strength to fight against evil and protects one from black magic.
- Imbibes fearlessness, and creates courage to face and defeat enemies.
- Purification of mind, body and soul is attained by the Bhairav Puja.
We provide 100% proof of the puja done
Starting from USD 66
Read Customer Reviews
I usually do not believe in such things but being out of India, my mom was always very scared for me. I was very ill and depressed and this is when she shown my horoscope to pundits. They suggested Bhairoiv Puja for me. I insisted it to be done online as I know Askganesha from a long time. So I paid for it and my health is doing very well since then.
Hi all, I am a housewife. My rahu is extremely in a bad position. My anger is always there and I m usually feel very negative in every way. the astrologer of website askganesha told me I shud do this pooja to have relief. I did this and I hv benefited a lot. Pls do this if u also face problems
About Lord Bhairav Puja
Bhairon puja is done to win over enemies. When the planet Rahu is malefic or weak in one horoscope, this puja is highly recommended.
Lord Bhairav is considered to be the incarnation (Avatar) of Lord Shiva. In the contemporary times, Bhairon has been worshipped by millions of people to get the powerful blessings from the god. Bhairav is a fierce form of Shiva. It is believed that Bhairon is connected to the Southern face and relates to the Mahavidya goddess named Bhairavi who gives Lagna shuddhi (purification of the Disciple). This purifies and protects the body, self concept, personality, and other attributes associated with the Disciple.
Bhairon- Lord of Rahu : Bhairav or Bhairavi are worshipped when there are malefic planets in the birth lagna (time) or when natural malefic planets are transiting. Bhairon removes and protects person from these types of effects. As per the Indian astrology, Rahu is known as a shadow planet, which plays an important role in the life of a creature. The Indian astrologers often suggest people, the worship of Lord Bhairav to reduce the evils caused by the malefic position of Rahu in the horoscope.
Bhairon - The Lord of Yogis : Lord Bhairav is worshipped by Yogis and Tantriks to gain Siddhis. Bhairon is regarded as the guardian of Yogis and Tantriks who attain accomplishment of Mantras by doing Sadhana (devotion).
Bhairon - The Kotwal : Lord Bhairav guards the temple of Lord Shiva and due to this fact, he is also known as "kotwal" (Guard).
Bhairav - The Worship : Worship of Lord Bhairon is very useful to win over your enemies, success and all materialistic comforts. It is very easy to please lord Bhairav by doing normal worship daily. Coconut, Flowers, Sindoor, Mustard oil, black til etc are offered to the God and the following mantra is chanted with devotion to get God's Blessings.

Online Puja Highlights
- Free Mahurat Calculation by Astrologer
- Puja is done in Vedic form with no side effects on anyone.
- Personalized Puja and Homam done only for you.
- 100% Guarantee
- Real proof of the puja done is also sent to you.
- View Pictures of Bhairav Puja
- Puja done by Well Versed Experienced Purohits
- Why People Trust us!
We provide 100% proof of the puja done
Starting from USD 66
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Who is Kal Bhairav?
Kal Bhairav is the fierce form of Lord Shiva, which is the ferocious avatar of Lord Shiva for punishing the wrongdoers. He is the keeper of the time as the name suggests. He is also called the Dandpati as he holds the Danda of justice. He is depicted with fierce, frowning angry eyes, large teeth and a garland of snakes around his neck.
Why is Kal Bhairav worshipped?
Bhairav puja is done to win over enemies. When the planet Rahu is malefic or weak in one horoscope, this puja is highly recommended. It is believed that Bhairon or Bhairav is connected to the Southern face and relates to the Mahavidya goddess named Bhairavi who gives Lagna shuddhi (purification of the Disciple). This purifies and protects the body, self-concept, personality, and other attributes associated with the Disciple.
When should Kal Bhairav Puja be done?
Puja is performed on the eighth day after the waning moon every month. Masik Kalashtami or Bhairav Ashtami is observed every month during Ashtami Tithi of Krishna Paksha. Devotees offer to pray to Lord Bhairav and also keep fast on these days to seek blessings from the Lord. You can contact Askganesha astrologers for finding the appropriate date and time for performing this puja, which is performed online on your behalf.
What are the benefits of performing Bhairav Puja?
Bhairav Puja is done to win over enemies, evil effects of malefic planets and black magic. Fearlessness and courage are attained along with purification of mind, body and soul. We worship Lord Bhairav to reduce the evils caused by the malefic position of Rahu in the horoscope.The puja provides strength to fight against evil and protects one from black magic.It imbibes fearlessness and creates courage to face and defeat enemies. Contact Askganesha astrologers to perform this puja online on your behalf with all essential Vedic rituals.
What should be offered to Lord Bhairav to appease him?
To appease Lord Bhairav one should offer things like coconut, vermilion, flowers, mustard oil, black sesame etc. Besides these offerings, the temple deity is offered liquor to appease him in tantrik rituals along with the other four offerings.
Read Customer Reviews
Well it is not if you believe it or not. If evil exists then so does good. I m a firm believer of Lord Shiva and all his incarnation. All the evils from my life were taken away by the blessings of Lord Bharoiv.
This has happened with me in my real life and I will tell you people to use this service if u r suffering from bad health and unwanted ppl who are trying to harm u mentally and physically. Trust me this pooja works like a magic. I have tried it and you shud try it too
My husband was a victim of black magic, atleast we felt that as his drinking problems got worse and he stopped behaving normal and was always out with his frnds. This puja came as a happy second life in our lives. He is back to his senses now and we are thankful to this website for helping us out
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God Bless You.
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We provide 100% proof of the puja done. We have clients getting pujas done from the last many years. We assure you pujas are done in the best possible vedic process.