The Moon's Magic: How Lunar Phases Influence Our Emotions

12 August, 2023
The Moon's Magic: How Lunar Phases Influence Our Emotions The Moon's Magic: How Lunar Phases Influence Our Emotions

Humans have been captivated by the alluring beauty of the Moon since immemorial times. From the soft glow to the enigmatic presence and energies of the Moon, Moon has fuelled countless myths and many legends across the culture. Not only its allure, Moon's magic and influence have also been recognized and counted by the ancient civilization. They claim it to have influenced the behaviours and emotions of humans profoundly.

Today, when there is so much scientific evidence and technology-based forecasting and learning, science is shedding light on the prospects of this old-age belief. There has been growing evidence that the lunar phases may influence our emotions. Let’s delve deeper to know what effects it has.

Everything You Need to Know About the Lunar Cycle

Moon undergoes a regular illumination cycle known as the lunar cycle. For the Moon, it takes around 29.5 days for one cycle to be completed. During this cycle, it goes through eight different phases.

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These eight distinct phases are:

New Moon

Waxing Crescent

First Quarter

Waxing Gibbous

Full Moon

Waning Gibbous

Third Quarter

Waning Crescent

Lunar Phases’ Influence on Emotions

Ancient beliefs and practices have always ignited the fire of mindfulness when discovering the influence of lunar phases on emotions. Many cultures, even today, believe that the full Moon has a heightened effect on emotional states, leading to the term "lunatic." This originally refers to somebody who is driven mad by lunar influence.

However, when it comes to the beliefs of modern science, it is not very supportive of the idea of people going crazy during a full moon. But some other studies have explored the connection between human emotions and lunar phases.

1. Mood swings: We can never undermine the power of research and science. Certain researchers have found that some psychiatric conditions, like bipolar disorder, may have been affected by the movement of the Moon and its cycle completion. People living with bipolar disorder might witness a sudden shift in their mood and see sudden mood swings. This can somehow affect their ability to make better decisions during the specific lunar phases, especially during the full moon state. 

2. Sleeping: Another influence witnessed is the sleeping pattern. Several studies have pointed out a correlation between sleep patterns and lunar phases. Some of them suggest that the lunar phases influence people in a way that their sleep can be disturbed, such as altered sleep duration and the quality of a full moon. This is how these fluctuations contribute to emotional sensitivity and mood changes. 

3. Human Biology: The Moon, with its gravitational pull, affects the tides, and it is speculated that these forces also can impact the water content in our bodies. Our bodies are composed of 60% water, and it is plausible that the lunar cycles can subtly impact our psychological processes, including our emotions. 

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4. Frequent visits: The results of such studies have been inconclusive, but it has been noted that the number of emergency room visits has increased due to the presence of lunar phases. Emotional distress has been one of the reasons behind the same. 

5. Menstrual cycles: Another notable influence is menstrual cycles' connection to the lunar phases. In certain traditions, women are said to menstruate in sync with the lunar cycle when ovulation occurs during the full moon period and menstruation during the new Moon. 

6. Spirituality and rituals: The Moon has profound spiritual significance in various beliefs and their systems. Many religions, spiritual customs, and traditions have incorporated lunar cycles into their observances and rituals. Full moon ceremonies are celebrated and practiced in different cultures to mark special occasions or enhance spiritual practices. 

What Role Do Perceptions Have to Play

It is crucial to take note of the fact that while they are some sources that correlate lunar phases and emotions, human behaviour, most of it is not based on causation. It is purely a correlation being drawn between the two. 

Cultural nurturing, conditioning, and the power of perception play a significant role in how we understand and interpret lunar influences on emotions. If people believe that a full moon makes them more anxious or restless, they might amplify those emotions consciously during that period. This is how they reinforce the perceived connection. 

On the very other hand, somebody can be too ecstatic under the full moonlight. They feel wholesome in energy and mood and wish to enjoy every ounce of the moment. So, these phases have varying effects. 

Harnessing the Lunar Energy

Different people have different opinions and experiences when it comes to the Moon and its impact. Some people claim to be more energized during the waxing phases, while others feel a sense of closure or release during the waning stages. These experiences are subjective and aren’t scientifically observed.

No matter what evidence science comes with, Moon impacts individuals' spiritual and emotional well-being in profound ways. Many humans find solace and connection during the lunar phases. Harnessing the energy of the Moon can be more meaningful and reflective regardless of the underlying scientific evidence. 

Women suffering from disorders like PCOD/PCOS are often recommended to harness the energy of moonlight and spend some time under it. It is believed that a cold atmosphere and the shining moonlight reduce the negative effects of PCOD/PCOS and help a woman to heal.

Whether you believe entirely in the energies of the Moon or not, embracing the lunar cycle can offer you an opportunity for mindfulness and reflection. 

Wrapping Up

Moon's mystique and allure have inspired wonder and curiosity throughout human history. Moon continues to be a source of satisfaction and a reminder of our deep connections, whether it's’ a full moon effect or its other stages. 

Gazing at the Moon will make you realize your influences. You can correlate the energy and sparkle of the Moon with your mood as to what you feel under the moonlight. Keep embracing the magic of the Moon, and you will discover your unique connection to its celestial movement.

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