Blue Sapphire Bg

Blue Sapphire or Neelam

Blue Sapphire or Neelam - Gemstone for Planet Saturn

Precious gemstone Blue Sapphire associated to planet Saturn, Blue Sapphire is a precious stone and recommended to remove the ill effects of Planet Saturn (Shani). Blue Sapphire has the divine power to give mental peace, wealth & happiness by removing all hurdles of the native's life.

It is better not to wear the gemstone just on the basis of your rashi or sun sign. Kindly opt our Gem Consultancy Report (worth Rs. 700/- only) in order to know if gemstone Blue Sapphire or NEELAM is going to suit you and give you power, spiritual knowledge, good position, money, wealth and happiness in life. Read more on Blue Sapphire gemstone below the picture.

Gem Stone - Blue Sapphire

Precious stone Blue Sapphire also known as Neelam. It is recommended to wear if native face any problem due to ill effects of Saturn (Shani) Planet.

We provide genuine, best quality and completely furnished Blue Sapphire in affordable price.

General Characterstics of Blue Sapphire (Neelam) :
  • Planet:  Saturn (Shani)
  • Sign(Rashi):  Capricon (Makara), Aquarius (Kumbha)
  • Color of the Blue Sapphire:  Deep Blue (Transparent Appearance)
  • Diseases Cured by Blue Sapphire:   Nose, Hairs, Obesity, Nervous System, Muscles, Bones, Feats, Knees, Calf Muscles and Legs.

Go for a Gem Consultancy Report to check if gemstone NEELAM is really going to suit you.

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