Why to Have a Child Like Approach to Life.

19 September, 2015
Why to Have a Child Like Approach to Life. Why to Have a Child Like Approach to Life.

Why to have a childlike approach to life? Just to Navigate through Mundane Problems

When the question comes to life why to have a childlike approach to life we have to brood over many things. Having a childlike approach to life can have many benefits for our overall well-being and total happiness. 

Children are naturally curious and creative, and approaching life with a childlike curiosity can help us stay open-minded and imaginative. This can lead to new ideas and opportunities for growth and learning.

Children love to play and have fun, and approaching life with a childlike sense of playfulness and joy can help us find more pleasure in our daily lives.

Children are resilient and adaptable, and approaching life with a childlike mindset can help us bounce back from setbacks and adapt to change more easily.

Children are often unafraid to be themselves and show their emotions, and approaching life with a childlike authenticity and vulnerability can help us connect more deeply with others and foster meaningful relationships.

Children often approach the world with a sense of wonder and amazement, and approaching life with a childlike appreciation for the beauty and goodness in the world can help us cultivate a sense of gratitude and contentment.

Of course, it's important to balance a childlike approach to life with maturity and responsibility, but embracing some of the positive qualities of childhood can help us find more joy, meaning, and connection in our lives.

Is Childlike Approach Really Pays?

Embracing a childlike approach to life can have many positive benefits, but it is important to note that this approach is not without its challenges or potential drawbacks. Here are some factors to consider:

Creativity and innovation are of course  great factors. A childlike approach to life can foster creativity and innovation, which can be valuable in many fields, including art, science, and business.

Open-mindedness is necessary. A childlike approach can help us stay open-minded and curious, which can lead to new insights and opportunities.

Playfulness and joy are mandatory. Approaching life with a sense of playfulness and joy can help us find more pleasure in our daily lives and improve our overall well-being.

It is important to balance a childlike approach with maturity and responsibility, as well as to be mindful of the potential challenges, including:

Immaturity and impulsivity are integral factors. A childlike approach may be associated with immaturity and impulsivity, which can lead to poor decision-making and negative consequences.

Lack of focus and discipline also come to the forefront. A childlike approach may also be associated with a lack of focus and discipline, which can hinder productivity and achievement.

Difficulty navigating complex situations is the thing that has to give priority. A childlike approach may not always be appropriate or effective in complex or high-stakes situations, such as business negotiations or political diplomacy.

Why to have a childlike approach to life reminds us that such approach to life can have many positive benefits, but it is important to balance this approach with maturity and responsibility, and to be mindful of the potential challenges and limitations.


In the haste of becoming great and achieving what they want from their experience, people have missed out on the child inside them. Life is a great mystery; it is vast and limitless. It cannot be restricted to shallow thinking. We have not learnt to observe the depth of life and hence we are not getting over the shallow thinking. One should have a childlike approach and not a childish perspective. To be childish is to be ignorant and immature like a child and to be childlike is to be innocent and carefree like a child.

A child perceives innocently. To be innocent is to be open minded. For example when we look at a flower, we don't actually see the flower we make our judgement whether we like it or not. The emphasis is not actually on the flower. Thus, our perception is not free and bounded to our judgements. What we know and learn is driven by the background of our knowledge and our past. A childlike perception is freeing oneself from that background and be free inwardly sentimental. To be sensitive is experiencing and reacting to 'what is' and sentimental is reacting to 'what is' from one's past experiences. Most of us are sentimental and react on the basis of preconceived notions. We all should enter into the state of childlike perception and experience the delight of the now. Then one can transform the ruins of one's heart with the childlike approach of life. So the cup of sentimentality should be drained and filled with sensitivity. Thus walk on the path of being sensitive to present and not the past. You will build better relations with people and nourish the relations by your warmth of being sensitive.

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