The Healing Power of Heartfelt Prayer

19 June, 2015
The Healing Power of Heartfelt Prayer The Healing Power of Heartfelt Prayer

The Healing Power of Heartfelt Prayer: Does It Promote Healing or Total Well Being?

The healing power of heartfelt prayer refers to the ability of genuine feelings and emotions to promote healing and wellbeing in human beings. When heartfelt emotions such as love, empathy, compassion, and gratitude come to the forefront, it is known that they have a positive impact on physical, mental, and emotional health of the humans.

Researchers have proved that practicing gratitude can improve human immune function, boost positive emotions, and improve overall sense of well-being. Similarly, showing compassion and kindness to all living around has been linked to reduced stress levels and improved overall cardiovascular health.

When we express our emotions genuinely and from the core of the heart, we allow ourselves to process difficult bitter experiences and subdued feelings in a healthy way. This can lead to high emotional resilience and higher emotional intelligence.

To be precise, the healing power of heartfelt emotions lies in their special ability to promote positive physical, mental, and emotional changes in our lives. It help us to become more resilient and emotionally intelligent too at the very same time.

Does it Really Work?

Yes, there are scientific evidences to support the idea that the healing power of heartfelt prayer can have a positive impact on our total well-being. Numerous studies have brought before us that practicing gratitude, expressing kindness and compassion, and connecting with others in meaningful ways have a positive impact on physical health, emotional health, and life satisfaction to the fullest.

Studies published on Psychosomatic Research found that practicing prayer for just a few minutes a day over a period of several weeks can lead to great improvements in sleep quality, reductions in stress levels, and improvements in total well-being.

Similarly, study published in the journals found that individuals who practiced meditation experienced reductions in symptoms of depression and bouts of anxiety, as well as an increase in positive emotions like contentment.

So while there is no one-size-fits-all solution for an individual, there is evidence to suggest that practicing the feeling of healing power of heartfelt prayer and practicing showing gratitude, compassion, and kindness at the same time can have a positive impact on our well-being.

Astrologically Who Can be a Perfect Praying Person?

Astrology is a very complex and multifaceted system that offers insights into various aspects of a man's life, including his spiritual and prayer practices. However, it is important to hint at that astrology is not a definitive predictor of an individual's suitability for prayer.

Different astrological signs are often associated with various traits and tendencies that may make them more inclined towards prayer or to great extent spiritual practices. For example, persons with a strong influence of the water signs such as Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are often regarded to be more intuitive and emotionally attuned. This can make them more receptive to mindful prayer and meditation.

Similarly, individuals with a strong influence of the fire signs like Aries, Leo, Sagittarius are often considered to be more passionate and enthusiastic that lead them towards fervent prayer practice. Earth signs, Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn are often associated with basic practicality and grounded fervor, which can translate into a consistent prayer practice.

To Conclude

Ultimately, the ability to be a perfect praying person is not determined by astrological factors. While astrology can offer insights into an individual's tendencies and preferences, it depends on each person to cultivate their own healing power of heartfelt prayer practice through consistent effort, dedication, and a eagerness to connect with the divine.


Prayer is something that we all do in some form of the other, even if we do not really acknowledge it as such. We pray for different reasons in different circumstances, but little do we really understand how much they help us. While praying, certain people feel compelled to follow certain rituals. While one should follow the rituals if one feels the need to, it is also important to know that it is not always necessary to follow those rituals. Prayers can be said at any point of the day without a lot of fanfare. After all, God is everywhere and He is listening. What is important for prayers, however, is the purity of thought and intensity of feeling while praying. Half-hearted payers are rarely satisfactory, and they do not benefit anyone. It is also important to know that prayers are not limited to occur during sad times in one's life only. One can pray in good times as well as bad ones. God isn't available during certain parts in one's life only. He is always present for everyone. But the objective of praying, ultimately, is not material gratification which is expected due to prayers but peace of mind. People who pray are generally known to be less stressed and more optimistic.

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